Random geek girl thoughts

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Politics, Religion and Critical Thinking


Wow, what a heated political debate. Not just on the candidates, but things like Prop 8 and so forth. I have always been "Politically Ignorant". At least, those were the EXACT words my politics teacher used to label me in front of the entire 11th grade politics class. I was so embarassed about it that I steered clear from ANYTHING political. I have been alive for over 33 years now, and I have only voted once. Sad huh? Well, I plan to vote this year.
I want to vent here. I want to vent about my religious views, and my political views that have been blossoming... but I won't. It seems that any time someone steps up to the "Free Speech Plate" it only creates hate. Whether they are liberal, conservative or a little of both... it seems no one wants to hear anything anyone has to say. I just wanted you all to know, politics are meaning more to me than ever before, freedom of speech is just that: the freedom to speak ones mind. I hope that no matter how we vote this year, we hold our convictions close, our family closer and allow others to feel the convictions they feel whether we approve or disagree strongly. I have always loved this quote by Voltaire (even though this quote is attributed to him saying it, there has been no proof in his writings. Either way...)

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

I hope all of you will do the same. Lets not create anymore hate in the world than there already is.

(Zoey steps down off her soap box)


Anonymous said...

I too have never taken part in the politics of this country. Mainly because of my ignorance. A couple elections ago I didn't even know there was campaigning going on until the elections resulted a winner. But this time I feel inspired to vote. My friend sent me something about the reason why women should vote. I'll post it on my blog.

Nancy said...

Right on sistah from another mistah!!! you so totally inspire moi!!

Ice Cream said...

I +have +a malfu+nction+in+g keyb+o+ar+d that i+s pr+eventing me fr+om com+mentin+g wi+th ++my ver+y in+te+lli+gent re+sp++on+se to you+r+ de+e+p +po+st++.

Rhetro Zenberg said...

I'm offended by the Star of David symbol in the coexist banner. Why not use a swastika for the x instead?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind talking religion or politics with you cuz. bcb2