Random geek girl thoughts

Sunday, October 05, 2008

No Time to Obsess

Robert Pattinson and Gerard Butler...

Wow, I usually have more time to blog, vlog and obsess about men that are "safe" to obsess about. (Meaning, they'll never break my heart, cheat on me, disappoint me, or argue about what position the toilet seat should be in: up or down?) These days my job has taken up any time I would have liked to spend online endulging in guilty pleasures. Not to mention, after I moved, I didn't have internet. Therefore I relied solely on my new neighbor's unblocked wireless connection. Needless to say, we fought silently over bandwidth. I finally became "legal" and installed my own internet connection... but still struggle to find the time to use it for "recreational purposes".
As a web developer, I stare at a computer screen ALL day. By the time I get home, the monitor is the last thing I want in my face. So, instead I'll stare at a LARGER monitor and mindlessly escape into my neglected DVD collection and re-watch every last Gerard Butler movie I own. (And not to scare anyone, but I own them ALL! Even a short film he acted in for a friend BEFORE he had become a real actor). Also, another hubba hubba ding ding of a man that I have started to cling to as well, is the young man playing Edward Cullen in the new movie Twilight that comes out in November 2008. I have read the whole Twilight series, and I am obsessed with finding a blood sucking vampire as amazing as Edward. Of course, that will never happen... so I keep hold to the delusion that maybe one day I will bump into Gerard Butler in a Starbucks in California, and I'll spill his no-fat-Caramel-Macchiato and he will fall madly in love with me (after I clean his coffee off of my shirt). But alas, I have no time for such thoughts these days; my dreams are dashed with my time sensitive projects from work... three kids and a big house that needs to be cleaned on an hourly basis. Ah, the joys of a single working mother.

Gerry... TAKE ME AWAY!

1 comment:

shelleygrl said...

OMG woman, I found your site and I can't believe you obsess over the same two actors I do! Do we have great taste or what? It is actually kind of creepy about my little crush on Robert Pattinson cuz I could be that boy's (mama) older sister:)