Random geek girl thoughts

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween on a Budget

Time once again to pull out all of your Halloween decorations and start brainstorming costume ideas. The kids wanted to buy new costumes this year, so we went down town and wandered down the seasonal sections at all the local stores. Some of the costumes they make now-a-days are tons more detailed than the plastic Wonder Woman mask we had back in the 70's. Unfortunately, they come at a heafty cost. Children's costumes start at $20.00 and adults costumes start in the $40's for the lower-end ones! That would have been nearly $100.o0 for us to get one costume each, that we would wear ONCE! So, I decided to help out my fellow budgeters and throw CHEAP costume ideas your way after researching some ideas myself.

  • Nudist on Strike: Wear your normal clothes, but carry a picket sign that reads, "NUDIST ON STRIKE!"

  • Partly Cloudy With A Chance of Showers: Wear blue surgical scrubs, glue cotton in a patchy pattern all over the shirt and carry a squirt gun.

  • Piece of Gum Stuck to Your Shoe: Dress in all pink and attach a shoe to the top of your head.

  • Static Cling: Wear any kind of mismatched clothes, pin one pant leg up, pin dryer sheets on you as well as socks, small towels, etc., and then use hair gel to make your hair look like it has static.

  • Chia Pet: Wrap yourself in duct tape so the sticky part is facing out, then roll around lawn clippings.

  • Ceiling Fan: Write "Go Ceilings!" on the front of your shirt. Add other gear if you want (pom poms, big foam finger, etc.) And don't forget to cheer!

  • iPod Commercial: Dress completely in black clothing, wear a black wig or hat, and use black make-up to cover your face, hands and any exposed skin. Carry around a white iPod and white head phones and dance wildly.

  • Have You Seen My Lost Doggy?: Wear XXLarge clothing, and use padding to make yourself extra "hefty." Glue or sew a small stuffed dog into the "butt crack" area. Carry a "Lost Dog" sign.

  • Stick Man (or Woman): Wear black clothes. Attach glowsticks in a line on your arms, legs and torso to look like a glowing stick person.

  • Chick Magnet: Attach Barbie dolls all over yourself.

  • Cereal Killer: Take a bunch of empty miniature cereal boxes, stick plastic knives in the sides, paint with red paint or nail polish to simulate blood. Pin the boxes all over yourself.

  • Killing Time: Hold a clock and a fake bloody knife. Or, dress up as a giant clock with a fake bloody knife in it.

  • Leafblower: Wear a baseball cap with a leaf dangling down in front of your face. When someone asks what you are, blow on the leaf.

  • Babysitter: Strap a baby doll to your behind and sit on it.

  • Mucho Dinero: Attach pictures of Robert De Niro all over yourself.

  • Jackson Pollack Painting: Splatter drips of paint on your clothes and hang a picture frame around your neck (or just hold it up in front of you).

  • Spice Girl: Wear solid color clothes and attach spice labels (or actual spice bottles if you can!).

  • Just Got Dumped: Wear slippers and a ratty bathrobe with lots of used tissues sticking out of your pockets. Mess up your hair and make your eyes look like you've been crying, with mascara running down your cheeks. Hold an empty Ben and Jerry's ice cream container, along with a picture of your "Ex," torn in half

  • Bag of Jellybeans: Take two or three large bags and put one inside the other. Make holes in the bottom for your legs. Blow up about 15-20 balloons of various colors. With your legs in the bag stuff it with the balloons. Tie the bag off at your neck with a colorful ribbon.


Anonymous said...

these sound so fun!!! I wish I wasn't working this friday so we could terrorize the neighborhood w/ broke people costumes ;)

Ice Cream said...

I had to come up with a costume in 5 minutes this last Saturday and so I put on my jammis and slippers, ratted my hair, put purple eye shadow under my eyes and went as insomnia.

Nancy said...

Ohhh I took the day off work this year, just so that I would not have to deal with Halloween. My dear boss has us all dress up and if we don't then we have to pick a costume from his pile of costume crap.
Last year I was a cow and the outfit I bought was meant for a much taller individual, so you can imagine where my udders landed....so not at my belly....I looked like i had 4 giant penises. Hence the urge to stay away this year...MOOOOO!!!

The Costume Reporter said...

These are all good ideas. I'll have to use some of them on our blog. www.hullabaloocostumes.com