Random geek girl thoughts

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


Ok, don't let the title fool you. I DO have "Baby Fever", but not the kind where I want to create a human inside my body, gain 100 lbs, birth a watermellon and then have stretch marks the size of speed bumps on my badonkadonk. I've already been there, done that, and got the speed bumps.

No, I'm talking the kind of baby fever where you monopolize all of the baby's time until they poop, cry too much or throw-up and you graciously hand the baby back to his/her rightful owner. Most of the babies my siblings have had are all grown-up and are now 2 year old toddlers getting into EVERYTHING in site... "HEY! PUT MY CELL PHONE DOWN NOW!"

So I've been craving a warm newborn to snuggle and nuzzle, and voila! My sister birthed a cute 9 lb baby boy a few weeks ago. I call him my little Love Lump. He was born with the chubbiest legs possible. He is just sooooo, uh...well, I want to gnaw on his cheeks all the time! Here are some cell phone pics I captured at the hopital. I know exactly what he was thinking when I took this picture. He was looking in the direction of his mother, so I can only assume he was telepathically saying, "uh, mom... who is this loud woman who's trying to eat me?"


Ice Cream said...

Lucky, lucky woman. Oh how I wish I were there to partake in the thigh bounty.

Nancy said...

Look at those baby cheeks, it makes me want to nibble them up!! num num num