Random geek girl thoughts

Sunday, October 26, 2008

If ANY show should get canceled... it should be Desperate Housewives!

I was so horrified when Diva wrote about the possibilites that my favorite show might be pulled from network tv. I don't have TV, but I do watch all of the episodes on line. "What show is this?", you might be asking yourself. It is none other than the famous Pushing Daisies. It's a very TIM BURTON-ESQUE show. From the narrator to the colorful eye-candy of unusual cinematography. Not to mention, the Pie Maker is a doll! I spend the whole time watching the episodes wishing the pie maker and Chuck could touch, but grateful that he has enough restraint to not touch her, to keep her alive because he loves her so much. If you haven't watched an episode, now is the time to do it! If you love it already, make sure you drop a line to the network and let them know. I would hate to see a show like this canceled just because the main characters aren't GETTING IT ON. I would rather see Deperate Housewives, Dirty Sexy Money and the Victoria Secret Fashion Show pulled from TV before this does. Help it stay a live! Here is a quick snip-it to show you what it's about:

If you need a "Starter Kit"... to catch up on last season... click HERE


Ice Cream said...

I love this show. Love the narrator, love the busty midget girl who loves the pie man, love the dead people, LOVE IT!

I'm still crying over the loss of Journeyman.

Nancy said...

OMG!!!! This show has got to stay on the air. I would just not be happy without my weekly pie fix..