Random geek girl thoughts

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Geek's Family

Family is EVERYTHING to me. It started with my parents, I couldn't live without them. They were my life source, my comfort, my guidance and my source of true love. Over time my siblings were added to the mixture (I have 3 sisters and 3 brothers and a newly acquired 4th sister). They soon became my best friends, playmates, confidants, and partners in crime. Don't get me wrong, I fought with my parents, and I fought with my siblings, but our family bond was stronger than any fight I ever had with them. Down the road I added children to the equation. And as most people who have children know... you have never TRULY felt the pure bond of "family" until you have held your son or daughter in your arms for the first time. They are a part of you, and you of them. That bond will be forever. No matter what happens, no matter the ups and downs... there will always be unconditional and infinite love weaved into the fibers of the parent-child relationship. There is also another bond that forms, one that is not a blood bond, but an emotional bond that can be equally as powerful. The best friend. Some people marry their best friend, making sure they never go a day without them in their lives. Unfortunately, this bond can easily be broken if not nurtured, or if another becomes selfish and looks out for their own personal interests, wants and desires. If you truly love someone you will sacrifice anything and everything for their well-being without asking, "What's in it for me". I can guarantee you that if someone I loved was in trouble, and it was a question of life or death... I wouldn't think twice about stepping up and giving my life if it meant saving them or making their life better. That is FAMILY, and we are always adding to it throughout our lives. But the important thing is to always live for each other... not one's self. Then, and only then, can we truly be happy. I am grateful for my family, I am grateful for my children, and I am grateful for my best friend. I am the luckiest.



My Brothers And Sisters

The Boys

My Daughter
And the ones who aren't pictured here... my best friends, my other half... This is what makes me happy

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