Random geek girl thoughts

Thursday, January 07, 2010

Drunk School Bus Driver Almost Crashes

This story makes me sick to my stomach. No child should go through this. Just watching it gives me anxiety. It was so sweet to see the bigger kids comforting the small ones. I would like to have a windowless room to tell that bus driver how I felt about what she did to those kids.
Here is the video of the bus driver who was drunk behind the wheel with more than three dozen kids aboard her school bus. i HOPE she’s going to spend a lot of TIME in jail.

Watch as one student on the video screames, “Put on the brake!”

This is surveillance video of the dangerous school bus ride in the Alfred-Almond school district . 55-year-old Martha Thompson had a blood alcohol content of .15. At the time, she thought the children were "overreacting". (Proof enough of what alcohol does to your judgement)

In the video, you can hear Thompson say, “Will you guys stop?”

To which a student replies, “Well, you’re not okay and I know it.”

The bus hit high speeds, ran over a mailbox, and started rolling backwards downhill.

A student shouts, “Turn the bus off!”

“No,” says Thompson.

“You’re backing into the freaking ditch, you’re making the little kids cry…Stop!” screams another student.

Finally, the children opened the emergency door in the back of the bus to get out, despite Thompson pleading against it.

Thompson hollers, “You can’t get off the bus!”

UPDATE: The bus driver will spend the next 12 weekends in jail on her guilty plea to 37 counts of child endangerment and driving while intoxicated.

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