Random geek girl thoughts

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

You Mocked Me Once. Nevah Do It Again! I Died That Day!

Ok... here is the skinny, the poop, the low-down. Twilight is fast approaching, and with it comes excitement and anticipation. Since I work for entertainment media, we are putting together a midnight premiere per my suggestion. Ever since my boss decided to go forward with it, I have not been able to shut up about Edward, Twilight and vampires. I have been working on all the Graphics for print and for web. I was in charge of the hundreds of Twilight posters we got in. I was also the one over-seeing the FREE movie tickets for the premiere... needless to say, I am in heaven. Because of this, every male in the office has taunted me, especially my boss. They love to razz me because I am sooooo passionate about this movie/book series. When my boss talks about the movie around me, he refers to it as "The Dumb Movie" just to get a silly rise out of me... and it works. Today was no exception. I sat down at my computer and saw a cartoon that my boss had drawn of a man in a business suit and tie. In the little talking bubble it said, "Die Edward DIE! Die! And you too Jacob!" I found out later in the day that he had photo-copied a lot of these pictures because I found another one in my DJ headphones, in my water bottle cap, in every one of my desk drawers, and in my camera case etc.... But then he topped off the day by mocking the picture that the graphic designer and I worked on of me and Edward together.

With him posing the same way I was with Edward...

And then he topped off the evening with this little GEM. He cut out one of the other DJ's pictures and put it on Bella's face... and... well... you get the idea.

I've got to learn to keep my obsessions to myself.... lesson learned. =-)


Ice Cream said...

ok, that last photo is pretty dern funny.

P.S. wanna trade jobs? I'll do your really cool stuff if you'll wipe my bums and mop up puke. Come on, you know you wanna!

Nancy said...

OMG!!!! I spit my water up on that last pic. To take the heat off of you ...you can tell all you co-workers that your 30 something friend was one of the crazies at the SF mall signing and if they have any problems that they can come and seeeeee moi!!!

TWIHARD ADDICT...cannot wait for the premiere on Monday

Anonymous said...

I keep coming back to your blog and looking at this whenever I feel blue--I've never seen a funnier way to mock Zoey than this! This is better than the old days when the neihgborhood bullies called you "pouf!" after your first perm! :)