Random geek girl thoughts

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Please Help Me

I am trying to exhaust all of my resources to help my sister's dream come true. I have taken to Facebook, Buzz and now my blog...
My sister wrote a book while homeschooling 5 children, and working towards her Master's Degree. She amazes me with her talent. I know I will automatically seem biased because she is my sister... but I am actually passionate about her talent. I was one of the lucky ones to be given a copy of the WHOLE book she has written, and it is a page turner!!! All she needs is the opportunity to showcase it.

She entered the first chapter of her novel in an online-contest. The winner with the most votes gets a free proofread by a famous author

Think back to a time when someone did something amazing for you... a small gesture that changed your life for the better. THIS is an opportunity to help a complete stranger have her dreams come true... and all you had to do was click "VOTE". A simple gesture... but one that would be greatly appreciated.

Just click "Vote" in the top right corner of her story.



dreamer124 said...

The first posted part makes we want to read the whole thing! Do tell me how I can read a copy!

Unknown said...

Reposted on my blog and Facebook page. Three more votes for your sister.