Random geek girl thoughts

Monday, May 01, 2006

More Monday Humor

I couldn't help this one. My friend happened upon this picture and sent it to me. She knows me too well... I almost choked on my hoagie. Truly PRICELESS!! I remember doing something similar with my cousin Rach. We stole our older sister's bras and filled each cup with yellow play-dough in hopes that we would look more like women... needless to say... our plans were foiled when we realized the play-dough graphed itself to the material on the bra. We tried EVERYTHING to scrape it all out so no one would know what we did. Instead... we ended up throwing the bra's in the garbage. (I found out 25 years later that our older sisters found the discarded bras and decided it was payback time. They peed in our underwear drawers. I guess me and my cousin were so filthy as kids... that we never noticed) Gotta love childhood memories! *smirk Posted by Picasa

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