Random geek girl thoughts

Saturday, January 09, 2010

Irish Man + Romance = My Kind Of Movie

"Leap Year"

Rated PG

Hollywood is finally pulling no-name hotties out of the wood-work. Screw Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, George Clooney and all the other Hollywood defined "it" guys. They all suck in my eyes, always have. I love the no-name actors. I was obsessed with Gerard Butler before anyone even knew he existed. And now, three new hotties have emerged and are gaining momentum in the popularity department in some of my favorite films to date. Sam Worthington, Mathew Goode, and Robert Pattinson (in that order). Hence why this movie appealed to me. I love the Irish and their accents (ditto with the Scottish ones). I especially love IRISH romantic comedies like "The Matchmaker", "The Quiet Man", "Waking Ned Divine" and "Circle of friends", just to name a few. I have now put this movie on the list! I love it, and I so desperately needed this movie.

Plot line: (no spoilers) A young woman anticipates marrying a guy who just isn't very romantic or spontaneous. She waits and hopes for things that never happen... so she sets off to make those romantic things happen herself... only to stumble upon a sweet down to earth guy who knows how to be romantic, funny and sweet... in Ireland. And thus a romantic comedy ensues. Romance, spontaneity, taking chances, following your heart...*swoon* This movie was just what the love doctor ordered.
(Although Avitar 3D is my 1st choice)

UPDATE: Now I KNOW I'm starved for romance and attention... I keep coming back and re-watching this trailer on my own blog. I need help

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